Birthday - April 19
Family - Chad, husband, Coby (11 years) and Allie (2 monthsish)
How long has your husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City?
4 years with Washington City, 2011 rookie class with CCFD
How long have you been married?
13 years
Where did you grow up?
St. George/Fillmore
Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?
Going to cut our Christmas tree.
What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?
Long, hot bath!
How do you spend your Saturdays?
Catching up on laundry and cleaning the house.
Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?
I have worked for a medical practice in St. George for 12 years. I work form home ever since we moved to Cedar City.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
I have so many I can't think of just one!
If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Ireland. I have always wanted to go there. It just looks beautiful.
List some of your favorite movies.
Pride and Prejudice (the 6 hour A & E version)
List some of your favorite books.
The Dark Queen, The Long Walk by Slawomir Rawicz
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What types of things would someone find in your purse?
Not much. Day planner, lotion, and chapstick.
What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?
I love Cedar City and hope we live here for a long time.
October 2013
11 years ago