Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Linda Savage 7 Things

7 Things I can do
1. Crochet
2. Bottle
3. Go on Walks
4. Sew
5. Go in the tow truck with Jon
6. Haul wood with Jon
7. Shop with daughter and spend $$

7 Things I cannot do
1. Change the oil in the car
2. Winterize the trailer
3. Stay skinny
4. Back a trailer up
5. Climb a mountain
6. Can't fix the problems in the world
7. ?

7 Things I love about Jon
1. Very generous
2. Very hard working
3. Cares about what I want
4. He helps me cook and clean up
5. I am proud of who he is and what he has accomplished
6. He does the best he can to try to please me
7. He lets me shop and go in the mall

7 Favorite Foods1. Mexican
2. Ice Cream
3. Cookies
4. Green Salad
5. Bread
6. Rib Eye or New York Steak
7. Chicken

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