Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stephanie Greenhalgh 8 things

8 Books I have read
1. Twilight Series
2. Great and the Terrible Series
3. Tennis Shoes among the Nephites Series
4. FableHaven
5. Harry Potter
6. The Host
7. I want to read Aragon, Eldest and Brisinger
8. ?

8 Favorite Restaruants
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Panda Express
3. Brads
4. The Garden House
5. Sizzler
6. Any Pizza Restaruant
7. Olive Garden
8. AppleBees

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. Watched Movies
2. Sewed
3. Read Clear as the Moon (Great and Terrible)
4. Went to bed
5. Went to Panda
6. Said Goodbye to 3 boys (they went hunting)
7. Cleaned the Living Room
8. Had fun with Camrie

8 Places I have Been
1. Missouri
2. Disneyland
3. Sea World
4. Las Vegas
5. Denver (in the Airport)
6. NewPort Beach
7. I really havn't been to very many places have I

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