Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Featured Lady - Michele Kenfield

Getting to Know You Questionnaire:

1) Full Name: Michele Danette Kenfield
2) Nicknames: Mom, Honey
3) Where are you from? We've been in Cedar so long, that I'll say Cedar City
4) How did you meet your spouse/significant other? Blind date that our Mother's set us on
5) How long have you been together? Not long enough
6) Do you have any children? 3 daughters, Faith, Hope, Cierra and 1 son, Scott
7) What are some of your favorite hobbies? Travel, Cooking and Fishing
8) What are some of your talents? Piano, Creative
9) What’s something about yourself that most people probably wouldn’t know? That I was adopted, and I have known both families my whole lilfe.
10)What’s your favorite color? Green and Purple
11)Describe yourself in ONE word: Busy
12)Where do you work? The best place in the world, at home, I love my job.
13)What is your favorite restaurant? Cedar (Rusty's) California (Joe's Crab Shack) Hawaii (Da Kitchen)
14)What is your dream vacation? Chec Republic, Spain, Mercellies, and Tuscany

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That family pic is so cute! I love how you all are wearing or holding something that's firefightery!