Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Party

Cedar City Fire Dept. Christmas Party
Saturday December 15, 2012
@ the School District Office
2077 W. Royal Hunte Drive
Happy Hour: 5:30-6:00pm
Dinner at 6:00pm
Don't forget the Ladies Aux. will be raffling off a
beautiful quilt so don't forget your $
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A little help please????

We (the CCFD Ladies Auxilary) are currently accepting donations for the University of Utah Burn Center. They are in need of the following items for the children that are being treated there:

Coloring Books
Sippy Cups (they cannot have detachable parts)

There is a Burn Center donation box at the main station where you can drop off items or if you would like to make a cash donation contact Valeena or JJ Wood at 801.792.8817.

Every donation helps.

Thanks for your support.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lady of the Week - Danielle Jensen

April 15

Family – husband’s name and kids (if you want to name them)
Tyler is my husband. Dylan's 12 Karsten's 9 and Jaxon's 5

How long has your Husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City

10 years

How long have you been married?
10 years

Where did you grow up?
here in cedar city

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?
We love to go to the sand dunes for Easter.  Easter is my favorite holiday so I just love it. We ride fourwheelers and roll the easter eggs down the hill.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?
I love to read a good book or scrapbook. I also love going to the movies.

How do you spend your Saturdays?

Usually at a game watching my boys play.  It depends on the season what sports they are playing.

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?
ICSD  - I'm a bus aide for special needs kids. Imperial window - I do their accounts payable. And I'm a dance teacher at The Point.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Jeez I don’t know I have lots I'm sure . Too many to narrow down.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would loved to go to Italy.

List some of your favorite movies.
Pretty woman, The Bourne Identity, For the Love of the Game, and How to lose a guy in 10 days

List some of your favorite books.
The Huger Games, These is My Words, and The Poisonwood Bible

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Cookies and cream

What types of things would someone find in your purse?
wallet, chapstic, sunglasses phone and ipod

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?
I hope we have a great year and if you have questions or concerns I would love if you would let me know.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lady of the Week - Elizabeth Lasley

Jan 16

Family – husband’s name and kids (if you want to name them)
My husband is Matt, Skyler (son), Charliee (daughter)

How long has your Husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City

20 years in Garland volunteer, 3 years with wildland, 5 years in Cedar City

How long have you been married?
29 years

Where did you grow up?
Garland, UT

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?
Putting up my Grandpa Petersen's trike ornament on the Christmas tree first.  First one up.  First one off the tree.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?
Go on a motorcycle ride with Matt

How do you spend your Saturdays?

Sleeping, chores, being with my family, camping

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?
Festival Carpet, sales manager

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Forgetting to exchange our rings at our wedding.  They had us march back to the front.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Albania, where my grandparents are from (Dad's parents).  Maine in the fall.  It would be a beautiful time of year

List some of your favorite movies.
Wild Hogs, Replacements, Beauty and the Beast

List some of your favorite books.
Narda series, The Three Trees, Sleeping House

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate marshmallow

What types of things would someone find in your purse?
lotion, lip chap, coupons, medicine

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?
I have a '67 RS Camero

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lady of the week - Valeena Wood


Family – husband’s name and kids (if you want to name them)
My husband is JJ and we have 3 kids. Jesse, Elijah, & Presley

How long has your Husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City

CCFD since 2008

How long have you been married?
9 1/2 years

Where did you grow up?
Don't judge...I grew up in Tooele, UT

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?
Relay for Life

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?
take a nap, do some yoga, or find helpful hints & creative projects on pinterest

How do you spend your Saturdays?

Winter Saturdays are spent cleaning, playing at the park with the kids, running errands, grocery shopping.
Spring, summer, & fall Saturdays are spent doing whatever we can, hiking, camping, climbing, etc.

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?
I am a full time mom and I work at SUU 3/4 time in the Registrar's Office. I evaluate transcripts for transfer students.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

My family would say I like to wear my helmet backwards when riding an atv...I didn't know there was a wrong way to wear a helmet made in the 1970's

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I want to go to Alaska to see the northern lights and da bears, and Hawaii to see the blue water and snorkel.

List some of your favorite movies.
Cool Hand Luke, A River Runs Through It, The Help, all of the Toy Stories,

List some of your favorite books.
I am currently reading The Help & the last of the Twilight books, but I enjoy anything that is inspirational.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

What types of things would someone find in your purse?
to do lists, fruit snacks, essential oil, contact solution, keys, newly found recipes, phone, wallet,

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?
I love Reese's peanut butter cups...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lady of the Week - Christy Douglas

Birthday August 8th

Family - Travis, husband.  Brandon (age 19) Nelson (age 11).

How long has your husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City?

Travis has been on the Cedar City Fire Department for 22 years.  He has been a full-time firefighter for 10 years. 

How long have you been married?

We have been married 21 years.
Where did you grow up?

Milford, Utah

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?

My favorite times are anytime I get to spend with my boys.  Camping, motorbike riding, snowmobiling, spending time at the cabin, or going to Nascar races.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?

That rarely happens, but when I do have time to myself I don’t do much.  Maybe just watch a little tv and enjoy a bowl of popcorn and a pepsi.
How do you spend your Saturdays? 

Most of my Saturdays are spent catching up on things at home and supporting my sons in their activities.
Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?

I work full-time for the Iron County School District as the Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant.

What is your most embarrassing moment? 

There would be many.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I don’t really like to travel far from home.  I would probably just like to go my cabin on the mountain and enjoy time with my family. 
List some of your favorite movies.

Pretty Woman, Finding Nemo, The Blind Side
List some of your favorite books. 

I don’t read a lot of books.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 

Rocky Road.
What types of things would someone find in your purse?

Phone, wallet, checkbook, Kleenex, hairspray, gum

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?

I am proud to be a part of the Cedar Fire Ladies Auxiliary. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 19, 2012 meeting

The ladies auxiliary had their first meeting of the year and there was good food, lots of laughing, story telling and getting to know each other.  This year's presidency wants to focus on getting more ladies to come out to the meetings and get involved with the auxiliary.  The schedule of the monthly meetings is now posted on the blog so you can write it down on the calendar.  I am going to do my best to put names with faces but I will be honest and say that I can't remember everyone's names.  So if you know someone in the picture that I haven't named please let me know so I can put their name down.  Leaving a comment will be fine.
 Yummy desserts!!!
 And the yummy soups!!!
 Nyra Benson and Mary Ann (sorry I don't know her last name but I do know that she doesn't have a computer so at least she won't see this)
 Penny McConnell and Sonia Brunson
 Our fearless leaders
Danielle Jensen, president, and Sonia Brunson 2nd Vice
 TaMerra Higgins and Amanda Franta
 Terry Irons - RNCW (registered nurse chief's wife)
 Amanda Franta, Stephanie Greenhalgh, Jesse Schmid
 Sue (and again I am sorry but I don't remember these other ladies)
Lauren Nelson, (help!!!)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lady of the Week - Sarah Nielsen

Birthday - August 31

Family -My husband's name is Brigham Nielsen.

How long has your husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City?

Since 2011.

How long have you been married?

We have been married for 2 1/2 years.

Where did you grow up? 

I was born in Sacramento, CA and I have moved 22 times and lived in 6 different states.

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?

Brigham and I go to my family's hour on Christmas Eve and we always read the Polar Express and drink hot cocoa.  Another tradition of Brigs & I is every Christmas season for the last 5 years, we take pictures in a photo booth and keep them & compare what has changed the most.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?

I love work out or play volleyball or do zumba.

How do you spend your Saturdays? 

Usually cleaning!  Because during the week I work a lot.  Brigham and I always go on a fun date on Saturday nights, usually it involves sushi!

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?

I work at Enterprise Rent-a-Car.  My title is Management trainee.

What is your most embarrassing moment? 

I got home from work one day and in my bedroom mirror I noticed my underwear showing.  My pocket had ripped and that day our area manager was at the office.  Before I left to go home, he asked if I needed any work clothes money and I told him no.  When I got home I realized why he asked!

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would go to Ireland because I love their music and I hear the scenery is beautiful.  Plus I love their accents :)

List some of your favorite movies.

PS I love you, Phantom of the Opera, Newsies, Annie, Taken and Finding Nemo

List some of your favorite books. 

Hunger Games, Toxin, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Twilight, Harry Potter

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 


What types of things would someone find in your purse?

My phone, wallet, bobby pins, gum, coupons, punch cards, gloves

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?

I love anything that has to do with hair and fashion.  I love doing hair and make-overs!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lady of the Week and a big THANK YOU - Karen Lee Wood Cox

Birthday - June 20th

Family - Erick (husband), Kristin Young (daughter), Kasey Smith (daughter), Kimber (daughter), Kyle (son), and Kurtis (son)

How long has your husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City?

Since 2005 and he has been Hazmat trained since 2002.

How long have you been married?

We will be married 26 years on Valentine's Day

Where did you grow up? 

I was raised in Big Bear City, California for 11 years - Cedar City, UT for 6.5 years - Moved to Holden, UT for the last 6 months of my senior year and that's where I met Erick.

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?

Our family time is everything to us.  We have a big feast and games for New Year's Eve.  We go camping and fishing for both Easter and Memorial Day.  We picnic and fish on July 4th after we all ride in the parade.  We have a big family dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We just love hanging together anytime we can find free time.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?

I love to read, sew, bake and garden, but a nap would probably be #1 on the list.

How do you spend your Saturdays? 

Most Saturdays we tend to play "catch up" from the week before.  But a trip to the lake is great motivation for people to get chores done.  And fishing with a good book is a great way to relax.

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?

I run a licensed day care in my home with my daughter Kasey (which means I get to play with my granddaughter Jacy everyday).  I am also a shift supervisor at KFC where I work with 5 of my family members.

What is your most embarrassing moment? 

My life is full of embarrassing moments so it's hard to choose just one.  But it has taught me to be able to laugh at myself and not take life too seriously. 

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I have been lucky enough to go to the pioneer trek in Wyoming with my family.  My mom, sister and I have gone to Tennessee, Kentucky, North Caroline and Missouri together and to Ireland to do genealogy.  I love to travel and see and experience new cultures.  I would jump at the chance to go anywhere.

List some of your favorite movies.

Julie & Julia, Bucket List, Imagine That, Letters to Juliette, Iron Man, Blind Side, Nim's Island, Bedtime Stories

List some of your favorite books. 

Love anything by Clare Poulson or Nichola Sparks, Love the Twilight Series, Harry Potter books and the Eragon books, Love the Work and the Glory, Undaunted.  I just love to read, mystery, history, sci-fi, love story, just hand me a book and I'll read it.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 

I am not a big fan of ice cream.  I really don't go crazy over dessert of any kind.

What types of things would someone find in your purse?

Lotion, chapstick, lip gloss, tylenol, keys, wallet, address book, 5-pens and notepad.  Of course not money - I have teenagers.

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?

Karen didn't write anything so I wanted to use this space to give Karen a big THANK YOU for the past year.  Although I wasn't around, I could see how much time and effort you put into this auxiliary and we were lucky to have you as our president.

If any of the ladies want to leave a comment with their thoughts of thanks, feel free to do so.  I am sure Karen would appreciate it.  And maybe I can organize them into a little book or something.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lady of the Week - Jesse Schmid

Birthday - April 4th

Family - Luke, husband, Gage (3 1/2 yrs), Berlin (2 yrs), Mason (2 monthsish)

How long has your husband been a firefighter and how long serving with Cedar City?

He is in the Rookie class 2011

How long have you been married?

5 years, it will be 6 in March

Where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Cache Valley, moved around a lot when I lived there, but lived in Hyde Park, Hyrum and Smithfield mostly.

Do you have a favorite family tradition? If so, what is it?

One that I love since I met my husband is going camping on the beach in Carlsbad, CA every year (or every other year).  And for Christmas Ever, we make lots and lots of good food, open pajamas and watch a new Christmas movie every year.

What do you like to do when you have an hour to yourself?

These days I like to take a nap!  But I also love to read.

How do you spend your Saturdays? 

Usually cleaning!  It's one day I have help with the kids so I can just get cleaning!!! Sometimes it's spent in pajamas playing and watching movies with the kids!

Do you work? If so, where and what is your title?

I do not currently work.  I am a stay at home mommy!

What is your most embarrassing moment? 

Can't think of one!!

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would definitely go to Tahiti and sit on a sandy beach for a couple weeks!  It would be a great place to relax!  Anywhere with sun and sand is okay with me!!!

List some of your favorite movies.

Next 3 Days, Yes Man, Nothing to Lose, Hangover

List some of your favorite books. 

Hunger Games is my current favorite

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 

Cake Batter Ice Cream

What types of things would someone find in your purse?

Wallet, chapstick, a diaper, bib, binkies, fruit snack and granola bars, and lots of recipes!

What is one thing about yourself that you want the ladies in the auxiliary to know?

I am so proud of my husband for finally getting to do what he loves and has always wanted to do!!!